Sunday, April 28, 2019

They lost again

The Red Sox lost again today. That makes two in a row they lost.

They are not in last place but they are only one game up on the Orioles. If the Orioles win this evening, they Red Sox will only be a half game out of last place.

I do not like it when the Red Sox are in last place.

The Bruins lost to the Blue Jackets last night and their series is now tied one game each.

I managed to watch the first two periods and when I fell asleep, the game was tied 2-2. I was hoping the Bruins would score in the third but it didn't work out that way and they ended up losing in overtime.

Not a good weekend for sports.

My youngest celebrated his birthday today. Actually, I suspect he celebrated it last night because at one point today, he told me his girlfriend was taking him to pick up his car. Apparently she drove him home last night.

He is a smart man.

Well, my lawn is mowed, the steaks are ready to be cooked and the dog is fed. After I finish cooking and we finish eating, I'm going to settle in and watch bad television.

You can settle in and click on these:

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