Saturday, December 28, 2019

And the parties continue

This afternoon was Christmas at my brother's house with all my siblings & spouses, my children and their children plus all the spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends. It was a good time and, as usual, I ate too much.

One of these days I will go to a party where I don't eat too much.

The Bruins beat the Sabres last night and while they are in third place in the league, they are now only 1 point behind the Blues and 4 points behind the Capitals.

They seem to be working their way out of their slump and that means they have a pretty damned good chance of picking up those 4 points and then moving in to first place in the league.

First place is always a good place to be.

Their next game is tomorrow at 7:00 against the Sabres but this time, they are at home. I'm hoping for a repeat of last night.

Football will be played tomorrow at 1:00 with the Patriots hosting the Dolphins. The Patriots are expected to beat the Dolphins by at least 20 points.

Personally, I expect them to win but I'm not sure they'll win by 2o points.

I guess we'll have to wait and see how it turns out.

Here are some links to click on:

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