Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas everybody!


I was raised by an extra-catholic woman so I was brought up to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

The world, however, has changed and we now live in a world where that statement can be seen as exclusionary. Since I am known for my  sensitive to the feelings of people who are offended by everything, including things that have no effect on them, I want to make it clear that I would never exclude anyone from my expression of good tidings.

So, let me just add:
    To my jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah.
    To my black friends, Merry Kwanzaa.
    To everybody else, Hey! How's it going? Have a nice day!
I think that covers it. If you continue to be offended by my writings, then let me just say that you should go read someone else's website, you hopeless putz.


I'm going to go do Christmas stuff now.
You should also go do Christmas stuff.
Or not.
It's entirely up to you.


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