Saturday, January 25, 2020

Nice quiet day

We got our errands done early, finished up some house work and then spent the day relaxing in front of bad television and internets.

I do feel kind of bad about blowing off my buddy Tommy. He called me this afternoon to see if I could stop by and take a look at a problem he was having with his network. I told him I wasn't available at all this weekend because I wasn't around.

I didn't have anything to do and I was around, I just didn't feel like trying to fix something that had been built by some guy who I have no knowledge of.

Besides, it's the weekend and the last thing I want to do is work.

I told him I would stop by and take a look at things sometime during this week.

Someone told me that NESN was running old Red Sox games so I guess I have to scan the guide to find them. When I try to use the search feature, I end up finding crap.

I hate watching crap.

Despite my laziness today, I did manage to find a few links:

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