Thursday, January 16, 2020

Yes, there is hockey tonight

The Penguins are in Boston to play the Bruins.

The freakin' Bruins better freakin' win this freakin' hockey game...

I'm trying to figure out if I want to eat dinner tonight.

I had my annual physical on Monday and my doctor indicated that it might be a good idea for me to think about losing a few pounds. I told my doctor he could stand to lose a few pounds himself and we both had a good laugh.

But seriously, at some point, it would probably do me some good to shave some weight off.

The problem is I smoked for almost 40 years. Nicotine is a hell of an appetite suppressant and when it was finally out of my system, I started eating everything that was within reach. That was eleven years ago and it's time that I stopped doing that.

I figure if I have the will power to give up a 40 year old smoking habit, I should be able to stop shoving candy bars and cookies into my yap.

And for the record, no, this is not a resolution. This is my doctor reminding me that I'm old and fat. I can't do anything about the old part but I might be able to have some impact on the fat part.

I'm going to have a light dinner and then watch some hockey.

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