Tuesday, February 6, 2024

And so it goes.

Hey! Guess what the Red Sox did?

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Bupkiss. Zero. Zilch.

We are one week away from the start of spring training and the Red Sox have done nothing to improve their roster.

Like I said, it's gonna be a long season.

Not a lot going on.

Trump is still fighting at least three or four court cases against him. The Israelies are still taking their revenge on the Palestinians who continue to say they want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Some girl who lives in my little town won a Grammy. Iran is still threatening the US.

You know, the usual stuff.

On the upside, the Bruins are back in action this evening, taking on the Flames at 7:00pm.

Yes, I will be watching the game. My plan is to get into some sweat pants, grab a snack & my water bottle and settle into my couch.

A big part of my plan is to stay awake long enough to watch the entire game but as Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."

I don't plan on getting punched in the face but my sleeping habits sometimes don't stick to the plan...

Enjoy these links while I enjoy some hockey:

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