Thursday, February 1, 2024

Yesterday was extra busy

On Tuesday, I discovered that the Social Security Administration does not automatically withhold federal tax from your monthly SS payment. They require that you fill out a W-4 and specify that you want taxes withheld.

I downloaded their W-4, filled it out and called the Springfield Social Security office because not only did I need to turn in my W-4, I also wanted to get a replacement SS card.

I have no idea where my card is and I have never actually needed to show anyone my card but I figured that now that I'm collecting social security, someone might get around to asking me for it.

If you go to the SSA.GOV website, there is a place to request a replacement card. I clicked the link to request a card and was promptly told I could not request one online, I needed to go to the office.

I called the office and spoke to a helpful young man named Josh who said, "Sure, you can turn in your W-4 and apply for a replacement card. Just come on down. I recommend coming first thing in the morning."

So yesterday morning I drove down to the SSA office and arrived promptly at 9:00am.

There were no parking spaces available in the parking lot and there was a line of about 30 people that ran out the door and into the parking lot. I'm thinking Josh probably told everyone that called to show up first thing in the morning...

So anyways, I didn't stop. Instead, I grabbed a quick breakfast and then headed over to my old employer to meet up with my walking buddy and walk for an hour.

I got back to the SS office around 11:30, found a parking space right next to the door and walked into the building. The security guy at the door had me empty my pockets and promptly picked up my pocket knife. I said, "Oh yea, I forgot about that." He flicked the blade open and said, "You are not getting this back. This is a real nice knife!" He asked me who made it because he really wanted one. Then he handed it back to me and told me to go put it my car.

Then, when I finally got called up to a window, I told the nice lady what I wanted to do and she said, "No problem."

She took my W-4 and entered everything in for me. Then she started the process of requesting me a new card. At one point, she stopped, said out loud, "Oh! Well this is not right! I'm going to have to ask you a whole bunch of identity confirming questions!"

Turns out that in the 70s when they computerized the SSA, the person who did the data entry on my information neglected to check off the "US Citizen" box. That means that according to the SSA, I was an illegal alien...

Fortunately the nice young lady was able to ask me the multitude of questions about myself and my parents and she agreed that my place of birth (Massachusetts) is indeed a part of the continental United States and I am once again a US citizen.

After that, I went to get my hair cut and then I made a Costco run.

I got home, unloaded all the Costco stuff and then checked to see if TurboTax had gotten their "Schedule D" form approved. I was informed that the all was well and I could finish my taxes.

That took me pretty much the rest of my evening and I forgot to type anything up for this noncomprehensive treatise and that is why there was no posting yesterday.

Sorry about that.

I wish I understood the stock market.

It was down yesterday and it's up today. Anyone know why? What is different about today?

My taxes are done, I have a giant Costco-sized bag of candy bars in my pantry and I continue to be a citizen of the United States of America.

Life is good.

Enjoy these links:

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