Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Dog does not like fireworks.

No sir, he does not like fireworks one bit. He spent most of last night pacing around the house, drooling, and staring at me with a look that said, "MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!"

I called him a wuss and told him to lay down. I figured if I could get him to at least remain still, we would only have one drool puddle next to his bed to clean up instead of a drool stream running through every room in the house.


My poor old rundown laptop finally decided to give up the ghost last evening.

I gotta be honest with you, that machine gave it's all plus some. Pat bought that laptop and used it for two years. Then I bought it from him and I've beat it like a drum for about 5 or 6 years. That makes that machine about 8 years old which is not bad for a laptop.

So anyways, I need to find a new laptop. Soon.

That, however, might not happen because my youngest is making his preperations for college and one item that he will be requiring is, you guessed it, a new laptop.

My wife says maybe we can get a deal if we buy two of them. I'm pretty sure that most electronic joints don't offer multi-family discounts so unless I manage to hit the lottery or find an long-forgotten uncle who died and left me his fortune, I'm pretty sure one of us is going to have to wait for a new laptop.

I'm also pretty sure that the "one of us" who will be waiting is me.


While I shop for laptops, you can click on these links:

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