Friday, July 27, 2012

I need to move to another state.

When someone says, "Hey! Where are you from?", I'm finding it more and more embarrassing to admit that I'm from Massachusetts.

The mayor of Boston, The not-quite-so-honorable Thomas "Tommy Mumbles" Menino, makes an ass out of himself and most of the city when he wrote a letter on city stationary threatening to ban a business from opening a new store. Menino wrote the letter because the CEO of the company said he thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Then, after every lawyer in the country offered to sue the city on behalf of the company, Menino says, 'I didn't mean that in an official way. I was just expressing my opinion.'

The man is an idiot yet the idiots in the city keep re-electing him.


I guess I just explained why an idiot keeps getting elected - he's being elected by idiots.


Here are todays links:

  • Yes, both alcohol and stupidity were involved.

  • Only in Florida.

  • You know what, Screw United Airlines. I know a lot of servicemen and I have a friend who has TBI. I also know a few people with service dogs. You know a service dog when you see one. They are quiet and protective. There is no way anyone should ever feel compelled to kick a service dog. So to that I say Screw United Airlines. A$$holes....

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