Friday, July 13, 2012

Keep those emails coming.

Eventually I'll have an address book again...


The key phrase from this story is, "I knew he was in a stolen car. That was just his thing... supposedly he was trying to run over the trooper. That’s not him. He was trying to get away. Same as I’d do if I was in a stolen car... I just don’t get the need to shoot."

So let's see if I got this straight: His friend knew he was in the car because, well, he was always in a stolen car. It was "his thing". I guess that means that if your thing is stealing cars then it follows that trying to get away by running down a cop is the right thing to do.

I mean, he did say, "Same as I’d do if I was in a stolen car", right?

Basically these guys steal cars all the time because it's what they do. It's like when you and I go to work all the time because it's what we do...

And once they've stolen that car, they will do whatever they need to do to not get caught, including running down a cop.

You know what I think?
    I think that anyone that tries to hit a human being with a 2,000 pound piece of metal going 40 mph is no different than someone who tries to hit a human being with a 1 ounce piece of metal going 2,000 mph.


    I think that someone worked hard for a year or more to earn enough money to buy that car.

    I think that someone worked hard for a year or more to earn enough money to buy that car so they to get to work to earn a living or take their mom to the hospital for dialysis treatments or to get to the store to buy babay formula.


    I think that people who steal cars because it's "just their thing" inflict pain and suffering on hard working people.

    I think that people who steal cars because it's "just their thing" are amongst the lowest peices of snake crap on the planet.

    ...all of which leads me to the conclusion that...

    I think it should be perfectly legal to shoot anyone who steals a car.
That's what I think.


My friend, who I'll call nhoJ to protect his identity, tells me that I am wrong about health care. His contention is that now everyone will be paying additional taxes (he mentioned a three percent tax on the sale of a home) and that just isn't right.

Well, let me explain myself for all the world to see -

Last year, my son was diagnosed with a devesatating disease and we are fortunate that we were able to afford some of the worlds best care for him. He is once again a healthy, happy man with a full life ahead of him and for that, I am eternally grateful to the good men and women of Baystate Medical Center.

But I am also eternally grateful to the good men and women who provide me with the health insurance that allowed us to pay for his treatment.

I have to be honest with you, if this disease had never hit my family, I would be the first one to
protest against government funded health insurance.

But now I know what it's like to look at your child and see the terror in his face when he is told he has a disease that is killing him.

I know what it's like to be a parent who would do anything to see to it that his child got proper treatment and all I can think about is, "What would I have done if I did not have health insurance?"

What do people without health insurance do when they or their kids are diagnosed with a terrible disease? Do they say, "Oh well. Guess I'm gonna watch my child die now", is that what they do?

If your choices are watching your child die or committing crimes against society to pay for a cure, you'd be the first one in line at the bank with a handgun. You'd beg, borrow and steal everything you had to. You'd commit fraud, larceny, you-name-it just so you could get your child the best medical care you could.

We do not live in some third or fourth world country and I do not like the idea that people must suffer or die because I am against a new taxes. This is not a new tax to pay for some over-sized government building or the "Rose Kennedy Greenway". This is a new tax to provide simple basic health care to those folks who aren't working and can't afford it.

This is a new tax to maybe cure some mothers little baby girl of lukemia or stop some child from dying because of simple a fever.

This is the kind of new tax that I am not willing to protest against because I don't ever want the death of some innocent kid on my hands.


So now you know that on one hand, I'm a hard-headed conservative a$$hole, all in favor of stringing up car thieves. On the other hand, I'm a sensitive liberal pinko commie, all in favor of protecting nuns, orphans, baby ducks and unicorns.

You know what? I'm okay with that.


Despite having spent numerous hours typing all that up (oh, okay, I'm lying. It only took me about 10 minutes to type all that up), I still managed to go find you some links to click on:

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