Sunday, July 15, 2012

The world became a slightly sadder place yesterday.

My good friend and mentor, Joe "Joey Kneecaps" Zucco passed away yesterday. He was 65 years old and he had a tough last few years but he never lost his sense of humor. He cared about everyone he met and he never had a bad word to say about anyone.

The planet needs more people like Joe, not less.


I received an email from a loyal reader who informs me that the big bug from yesterday is called a European Hornet.

Those Europeans are always sending their giant bugs over here. We should pay them back by sending them all of the horse flies we have over here....


Here's an interesting bit of news - For every dollar that Willard "I have great hair! And I'm rich!" Romney is spending on television commercials, Barack "I'm the President dammit..." Obama is spending four dollars. And all of the commercials they are producing are what are classified as "attack ads"

That implies two things. One: neither candidate has a good message so they are attacking each other. Two: despite their claims to the contrary, the democrats are wealthier than the republicans.

Unfortunately, both candidates also appear to be completely in lock-step with their respective party. This makes them nothing more than puppets for party ideologies.

Once again, the American public has no idea what an individual candidate stands for and we are forced to make decisions based on bad television marketing.

It's the old "lesser-of-two-evils" deal...


I found these links for you:

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