Saturday, August 4, 2012

I can now breath easy.

Last night, I stopped at a local office supply store that used to be owned by the company that a current candidate for the office of the President of the United States used to control and I purchased a new router. The reason I needed a new one is because two weeks ago, my main router started acting a little finicky.

Finicky is fine if you are talking about a 3 year old who doesn't want to eat brussel sprouts but when you are talking about the main connection to the internet for a family of data-hungry individuals, finicky is bad.

Very bad.

Particularly when most of the aforementioned individuals are in academia and they all rely heavily on the internet to perform their work.

Most particularly is the fact that one of those individuals is my lovely wife and the last thing I need is to have my lovely wife lose access to the internet when she is trying to get her work done. That would be bad.

Very bad.

We here at The DailyNews© do not do well with "very bad"....


Here is a picture I took of my dog this morning as he slept on the couch:
 As you can see, he's a bit of a goof.

Here's the same picture rotated 180°:
Need I say any more???.


Here are some links that you can click on if you would like:

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