Monday, August 27, 2012

Yes, I'm back at work....

My work day started at 5:20 this morning when my phone rang and I was introduced to a major issue that effected numerous production jobs. Fortunately I was able to come up with a quick band-aid of a fix but the cause still eludes us. It'll probably take us several days to determine which one of the hundreds of moving parts failed and apply a fix that works correctly.

All that aside, it was a reasonably busy day that made me really want to think about taking more vacation time.


I'm kind of glad I'm not registered to vote in East Longmeadow. Their government is looking more corrupt than the Massachusetts government but slightly less corrupt than the old Soviet Union.


Since I'm fresh back to work, it was kind of a long day. That means I want to keep this short.

Here are a few links you can enjoy:

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