Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I got a trade idea for the Red Sox

 I'm wondering who the Red Sox can trade to get Heidi Watney back....


Traffic alert for the metropolis of Wilbraham:
    Rumor has it that the last place you want to be at 7:00 in the morning is anywhere near Minnechaug. With only one entrance and buses that need to first drop off the high school kids and then leave to drop off the grade school kids at Mile Tree, I hear it's a real traffic nightmare.

    Add to that all of the parents driving their kids to school, the juniors and seniors that drive themselves and those narrow country roads must sieze up like the arteries of a 60 year old guy who eats raw cholesteral that's been deep-fried in hot transfat.
This has been your traffic alert for the big city of Wilbraham.


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