Friday, August 31, 2012

I have an idea.

 During the republican national convention the ongoing theme and catch phrase seemed to be "We Built It".

This was a cheap shot at a single sentence uttered by President Obama during a speech he gave recently where he said, "You didn't build it".

While I am no supporter of the democrats and their party ideology, I am a supporter of the truth. The line "you didn't build it" was not in reference to business. It was in reference to the municipal infrastructure that helps businesses get built. Things like roads, fire departments, utilities, public transportation, etc...

But that's not what I came here to tell you. No sir, it's not what I came here to tell you at all.

What I came here to tell you is that I have an idea for the democrats for a slogan they can use during their upcoming convention. They have been using a form of this slogan since 2008 and it would fit perfectly into the upcoming convention.

I think the democrats convention saying should be, "It's not our fault".

That's right, the thing that President Obama has been saying since he took office more than three years ago is the thing that the democrats should use as their catchphrase.

I think that would make a great convention catch phrase for the democrats. It has all the hallmarks of a classic catchphrase - it's short, it's simple and it conveys a message. It ranks right up there with "I'll be back" and "Do ya feel lucky punk? Well, do ya?"

It's also a lie but that doesn't matter to politicians. They are wired to lie. They lie all the time. The old saying, "How do you tell when a politican is lying? His lips move!" is true and I can't imagine they're going to stop now.


Here are todays links:

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