Saturday, August 18, 2012

We must be coming up on an election.

Looks like President Obama doesn't want the public pissed off about the price of gasoline.

Isn't it amazing what a "green, environmentally-oriented" president will do when election time rolls around....


My neighbors are probably getting a little pissed off at me. I haven't mowed my lawn in over three weeks and it's pretty overgrown.

There is, however, a method to my madness. Since my lawn has not been cut, it has partially returned to a green appearance. Yes, there are still some dead spots but overall, it looks green because it's long and wet.

I suppose I should cut it this week while I'm on vacation. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Or not. We'll have to see how I feel.

Besides, some of my neighbors are kind of a pain in the ass so if they are pissed off about my lawn, good.


Miracle Alert:
    The Red Sox beat the Yankees this afternoon.
This has been your miracle alert.

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