Sunday, August 12, 2012

One home, two to go.

My eldest offspring is with us for the next six weeks while he completes the third of his six internships. When his brother and sister return on Wednesday from Florida, we will once again have a full house.

It means I will get woken up by people walking into my house at all hours.
It means when I get up in the morning, I will find the kitchen counter covered with dirty dishes.
It means when I try to pack myself a lunch for work, I will find that there is no food in my refrigerator.

To be honest with you, I'm looking forward to it.


The Red Sox beat the Indians today by a score of 14 to 1 today and that kinda pisses me off because they lost on Thursday 5-3 and again yesterday 5-2.

If they had taken 12 of the runs they used today and used 6 of them on Thursday and 6 of them yesterday, they would be back at .500 instead of the 2 games below .500 that they are currently at.


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