Friday, September 7, 2012

The Red Sox did not lose last night!

Of course, I guess you could argue that they didn't lose because they didn't play, but still, the important thing here is that they didn't lose.


This is why the media needs to get off his back about what he did in Vegas.

The man is not some spoiled little brat cavorting around with an entitlement attitude like Paris Hilton. He is a battle-hardened veteran with a strong desire to support not only his country but his fellow human beings. He is responsible for reviving and driving his mothers charities, he never shirks his duty and, according to the men he's fought with, he is loyal to a fault.

I'm sure that he recognizes the fact that he is a "royalty" and probably needs to remember that he is constantly going to be scrutinized but you know what? When he steps up and does his duty with integrity, honor and loyalty, nothing else should matter, including his decision to party like a rock star.

The world needs more people like him and we should give him far more credit and respect than anyone else in that family. If I ran into him in a bar, I'd buy him a beer, tell him a dirty joke and thank him for his service to our species.


The Dog continues to recover and stretch the boundaries of what he is allowed to do.

Despite my talking to him in a stern voice and wagging my finger at him in a brisk manner, he continues to do verboten things like jump up and down when someone comes home, climb the stairs when someone is upstairs and get on the couch when no one is home.

We do notice that he is beginning to put some weight on the leg and he appears to be in almost no pain at all. He allows us to touch his leg and move the joint a bit to keep it from stiffening up.

Hopefully he will be back to his normal derpy self in a few weeks and we can once again resume our daily routine where I walk around the neighborhood and he comes along to sniff and pee on every telephone pole along my route.


Here are some links you can click on:

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