Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Not much to prattle on about.

Too be honest with you, I'm tired and I don't feel like reading the news. I watched way more baseball last night than I should have. No, I didn't stay awake for all 14 innings but I did stay awake for 9 innings and that's a lot of baseball for me.

I did, however, find this little tidbit on CNN...

Between the IRS cherry-picking who it audits, the Justice Department spying on the press, the NSA spying on us, the decision to ignore the pleas for help from Benghazi and now the State Department hiring hookers, I can't help but wonder what's next. Seems that the people that currently infest our federal government are under the impression that they can pretty much do whatever they want to do.

That, my friends, should worry you.

It should worry you a lot...


Here are the few links I found:

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