Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Will they play a double header today????

The Red Sox and the Rays are supposed to play a double header today. The first game started at 1:00 and the second game was scheduled to start at 7:00.

The first game got started right on time but then  the rains came and they went into a rain delayed in the fifth inning with the Red Sox up 4-1 and the bases loaded, 2 out. Aceves was pitching a pretty damned good game and the batters were hitting up a storm.

If they decide to call the game after 5 innings, the Red Sox will be the winners so I'm hoping the decide to call it.

As for me, I'm heading to Boston to drop my eldest off at his place. His car suddenly decided to display one of those infamous "check engine" light and I decided that it would be a pretty shitty night if his car died somewhere on the pike.


While I'm driving out to Boston and back, you can click on these links:


As it turns out, the problem with his car was a simple fix and I did not have to drive him back. Thank goodness for that because I'm freakin' tired of driving to Boston...

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