Sunday, March 30, 2014

And then there were none

The offspring have left and The Dog is confused.

He's not sure why they don't stay. He loves when they show up and play with him. He gets all happy and there is much joy and barking and dancing and bringing of toys.

Then, all of a sudden, they are gone.

The only upside to them being gone is he gets free reign over their beds.


I went to a gun show yesterday and now I know why the government wants gun control.

There was a whole lot of camouflage being held up by many pairs of suspenders and I'm pretty sure most of them hadn't bathed in at least a week.

And why was there a table selling body armor? Who the hell needs a bullet-proof vest? I can understand police and military needing body armor but I'm pretty certain most of the guys I saw there were too damned fat to fit into body armor.

The best thing I saw there was the guy who had the giant sign tied to the back of his pickup truck. It was a four-by-four sheet of 1/2 inch plywood painted white with black hand-painted letters that said, "STOP OBAMAS JIHAD".

And that, my friends, is why people think gun owners are nutcases.


Here are some links:

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