Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Time for an update on the whole daylight savings time thing:
    I'm still tired.
This has been your update on the whole daylight savings time thing.


If I ever meet Dianne Feinstien, my only question to her is going to be, "So Senator, how does it feel to be violated by the Federal Government? Did you like it? Did you accept it as something you have to put up with to ensure the safety of the nation?"

Between the TSA, the NSA, the FBI and Homeland Security, us non-Senators go through shit like this everyday. Try boarding a commercial plane or buying a gun and you'll know what it's like to be violated.

Personally, I think it's about time that senators and congressmen got a little taste of the evil they unleashed when they voted to approve the PATRIOT act. I think it's about time that our elected officials understand that the beasts they think they control may not be as tame as they think.

Who is watching the watchers?


Here are a few links to click on:

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