Sunday, July 1, 2018

They got some payback

The Red Sox trounced the Yankees last night by beating them 11-0.

Let me type that score for you again: Eleven to Nothing

That means the Red Sox are once again in first place and the worst that can happen this evening is they end the series tied for first. Well, that and the fact that ESPN is carrying the game and those announcers suck more than the FOX announcers do.

Alex Rodriguez and Matt Vasgersian will spend the entire broadcast trying to get into Jessica Mendoza's pants by laughing out loud at her bad jokes and commenting on everything she says, even when she is wrong.

Then Rodriguez will climb into the stands and point out all the celebrities that are near him, like his current girlfriend or wife or whatever, while tossing the baseball around with some outfielder who really doesn't want to have anything to do with him but is probably being paid a lot of money by ESPN to be nice to him.

Time for a quick check on the blog statistics.

This shows one week's worth of activity:
Looks like Firefox is the dominate browser and Windows is still the dominate operating system. I'm very glad to see that neither "Edge" nor Internet Explorer is represented. That means all of my readers are intelligent people.

I'm still trying to figure out where the "Unix" users come from. That's a pretty expensive operating system usually used by businesses. Normal people don't use Unix.

Since ESPN is carrying the game, it won't start until 8:00. That means I probably won't be awake long enough to watch more than a few innings.

While I do that, you can enjoy these:

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