Sunday, July 29, 2018

This is why I live in New England

The temperature today was around 82 with about 50% humidity. That might not be perfect but it comes pretty damned close.

The unfortunate part is that when I called the airport to see if they had any aircraft available today, they told me no. Seems like everyone wanted to fly today.

So instead of flying, I watched baseball and mowed my back yard.

I would have preferred flying.

The Red Sox introduced their newest starting pitcher, Nathan Evoldi, to us today and he pitched a pretty damned good game. They beat the Twins today, taking three games of their four game series and remaining five and a half games ahead of the Yankees.

They are also the best team in all of MLB right now so it's good to be a Red Sox fan.

Tomorrow they start a quick two game series against the Phillies before heading to New York for a four game series with the Yankees.

That's going to be an interesting series and it may very well be an example of what we can expect in October.

I'm going to watch one of them there Star Wars movies now.

While I do that, you should think about clicking on these:

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