Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Eighty wins

The Red Sox have reached the 80 win mark.

Trust me when I say that is a pretty good record considering there are still 68 games left to play. Assuming they win half of those games, they will end the season with a record of 114 - 48.

That is two games below the best 162 game record of 116 - 46 put up by the Mariners back in 2001.

Let's take it a bit further, shall we - Since the Red Sox are currently boasting a .702 winning percentage with 68 games to play, let's assume they will win 70 percent of those games. That means they could win 47 more games. If they win 47 more games, they will have a record of 127 - 35.

No major league baseball team has ever won 127 games in a season.

The idea that the Red Sox might set a record for the most wins in a single season is something to look forward too.

I didn't find many links today because I was busy doing day off stuff. What I did find is here:

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