Saturday, August 18, 2018

Looks like Worcester is getting a ball team

The Red Sox AAA affiliate announced that it is moving from Pawtucket to Worcester in the next two years and, boy, are the people of Rhode Island pissed!

The Governor of RI and the Mayor of Pawtucket are both blaming the legislature for failing to act in a decisive manner.

I would like to point out to the Governor and Mayor that at no time in the history of mankind has any governmental body ever made a decision with any kind of speed.

You see, each member of the august body needs to tell every other member what they think. Then they need to form committee's to discuss proposals. Once they have finished discussing proposals, they vote on one of the proposals but before they can vote, certain members get to slip additional things into the bill.

So instead of having the "Baseball Retention Bill" being voted on, you have the "Baseball Retention and Free Lunch for all State Senators Forever Bill"

This of course makes the state reps upset and they decide against voting for the bill.

When that happens, it goes back to committee where they....

Well, you know what they do.

So anyways, it looks like Worcester, the armpit of Massachusetts, will have itself a Minor League Baseball team. I suspect they will call themselves the Worcester Red Sox which means they will have the nickname, The WorSox.

Sounds almost medieval.

You can enjoy these links if you want:

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