Friday, April 12, 2024

They are in full suck mode

The Red Sox had a 3-1 lead through seven innings last night. Then they took a huge warm, smelly dump in the field and ended up losing the game 9-4.

They have no defense, no offense and their pitching needs help.

Tonight they are currently in the third inning and are down 4-0.

I do not have high hopes...

I spent most of my day squatting down and painting the lower half of a room.

My back hurts, my legs hurt, my knees hurt and my hands hurt.

But the painting is done and I will probably recover tomorrow.

At least, I'm hoping I recover tomrrow.

Ibuprofen is my friend...

I'm going to watch the rest of this ball game and fall asleep early.

Here are some links:

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