Thursday, October 31, 2013

The 2013 baseball season has come to an end.

Last night, the Red Sox managed to step on home plate more than the Cardinals and at 11:45pm, they became the Major League Baseball Champions by winning the World Series.

I managed to stay awake through the second inning. Then, I woke up in the fourth inning to see a score of 4-0. then I woke up in the ninth inning to see Uehara throw the final pitch of a 6-1 game. That was when my cell phone went off with texts from my two boys.

I rustled up enough "awakeness" to reply to the first text but that was it - I fell back into a nice alcohol-fueled sleep and stayed that way until 5:00am.

I'm glad the Red Sox won but I can't help but ask, "Now what am I supposed to do in the evenings? There is no baseball to watch until next April 1st."


Here are some links:

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