Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I'm still catching up on my sleep

During the week I was driving or living in Iowa, I got almost no sleep. Normally I can sleep anywhere but the drive, the unfamiliar hotel beds and finally the couch in the living room took their toll on my sleep habits.

Getting home and into my own bed seemed like heaven and for the last few days, I've been sleeping about 9 hours each night.

I'm still tired but I'm getting there. Hopefully I pull another nice long sleep tonight.

Today was my daughters orientation day. She went to the university at 8:00 this morning and the first text I received from her was a picture of her welcome packet and the comment, "They called me Doctor"

I think she is a little excited about this new venture in her life and I am very proud of her. She worked hard to get where she is and she will work hard to accomplish her ultimate goal of becoming a veterinarian.

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