Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bath time is fun time

Yesterday my daughter decided to give her dog a bath.

The process of bathing starts with my daughter talking sweetly to her dog and assuring her that everything is great. Then she goes upstairs to fill the tub, lay out the towels and basically set up the bathroom.

The Emergency Backup Dog however, isn't having any of it and she immediately jumped up on the couch next to my wife and begged for protection.

My wife offered no protection at all and the dog ended up suffering through her bath.

For the record, she survived.

Just so you know, I've been trying to avoid all things political because I think the problem with our society is that people are too quick to tell everyone around them that their opinion sucks and they are wrong or evil.

There is a lot of conflict going on and no matter which side I look at, I only see assholes.

What ever happened to simple civility?

I'm going to watch some baseball and see if Farrell has learned anything about coaching.

While I do that, you can click on these:

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