Saturday, August 5, 2017

We made a Costco run today

Seems that every time we go to Costco, we end up lugging home a bunch of stuff we didn't plan on buying.

Today was different.

We stuck to the list, got only what we needed and then left....

....and if you believe that, I got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

We went in with a list of five or six items and when we left, we had to play a little tetris with the trunk and back seat in order to fit everything.

Costco has a way of showing us things we suddenly need to buy.

The Red Sox are paying at 7:00 tonight and as of 6:00pm today, they are three games ahead of the Yankees and four & a half games ahead of the Rays.

This makes me happy.

You should probably think about clicking on these:

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