Tuesday, October 23, 2018

I was wrong and I was right

Yesterday, when I said I would be taking "tomorrow and Thursday off", I meant to say "tomorrow and Wednesday off". Turns out I was only a bit wrong since I am now taking today, Wednesday and Thursday off.

The new furnace is in my basement and some of the piping has been done. The fancy-shmancy intake/exhaust pipes have been run through the wall to the outside and the installer has all of the parts necessary to finish up the installation of the new furnace tomorrow.

Once the furnace is piped and ready to go, the electrician will be able to wire it.

Once the wiring is done, the plumber can cut the old water feed, pipe up the new feed and, ta-da, we have a new heating/hot water system.

I like heat and hot water but just as importantly,  I'm hoping I will also like having a lower gas bill. The old system is a thirty year old oil burner that was converted to gas and it's about as inefficient as you can get. We are hoping that we see a noticeable decline in our monthly gas bills this winter.

Hopefully all goes well and this job is done by Thursday.

Well, tonight is the big night.

The World Series starts out in Boston at 8:09 this evening. At least I hope it starts at 8:09. The weather dweebs keep saying it might get delayed a bit because of some rain.

Either way, since I don't have to work tomorrow morning, I'll be able to watch most of the game. I'm not gonna lie to you, there is very little chance I'm going to stay awake to see the end because even though I didn't work today, I still woke up at 5:00 this morning.

As for the game itself, the people that predict winners/losers are all saying that this series is probably going to go seven games and it's anyones guess who will win.

I'm saying it's probably going to seven games but the Red Sox will win it all. I say that because I'm a Red Sox fan and it's what I'm supposed to say.

While I watch baseball and contemplate my life after I win the Mega Millions, you can click on these:

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