Sunday, October 21, 2018

There was no baseball...

...but there was football.

The Patriots managed to defeat the Bears this afternoon. It was a pretty good game and the Bears made it interesting in the first period when they they scored a quick 10 points but the Patriots got their shit together pretty quick and, despite the Bears almost pulling off a last minute miracle, the game ended with the Patriots winning 38-31.

Also, since the Dolphins lost to the Lions today, the Patriots are now alone in first place in the AFC East.

I'm going to make sure I let Artie, the maniacal Dolphins fan, know this.

As for me, I'm freakin' tired.

We were in Easthampton last night listening to our youngest do his band thing. The show ended sometime around 10:30 and we made it home around 11:15. That is way past my bedtime.

We decided to meet up with him before the show and grab a bite to eat. He's a vegetarian so we try to find restaurants that offer a decent selection so he has choices.

We found a great little restaurant called the Easthampton Diner. It's a combination greek pizzeria, italian pizzeria, fish place, breakfast joint and sandwich place. There is a huge selection and our meals were really good.

If you find yourself in Easthampton and you are hungry, go there. They will feed you and will no longer be hungry.

So now I'm going to grill up some steaks and then plow through some DVRs before my DVRmachine overflows.

While I do that, you can visit these links:

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