Thursday, October 11, 2018

I'm having baseball withdrawal

The NLCS will start tomorrow and the ALCS will start on Saturday. Until then, I'm dealing with a lack of televised entertainment.

Fortunately, Last Man Standing is back on and I've been DVRing it.

Also, at some point in the recent past, I apparently scheduled the recording of any new episodes of Outrageous Acts of Science and that show has finally kicked off its new season.

Between football, my DVRs and Netflix, I should be able to make it through the off season.

It's a long stretch between October and February.

The rapper Kanya West went to the White House today and he, along with Trump, put on a show for the media. I have no idea what they talked about but I do know that the password to his iPhone is 000000.

When I saw that, all I could think of was this scene from Spaceballs.

And for the record, I think Spaceballs is one of the great movies of my generation.

While I see if there is any money left in my retirement account, you can visit these links.

You might find them entertaining:

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