Saturday, October 27, 2018

No, I did not watch all of the game

Game 3 of the World Series set a record last when it went for 18 innings and 7 1/2 hours.

Neither the Red Sox or the Dodgers could hit anything the pitchers were throwing and as a result, they went into the 9th inning tied 1-1.

In the 13th inning, they tied it 2-2 and finally, in the 18th inning, the Dodgers won the game 3-2 with a walk-off home run.

Both teams used nine pitchers and I'm not entirely sure who is available to pitch out of the bullpen tonight. I suspect the winner of tonights game will be the team that can actually field a pitcher or two instead of having position players pitching.

As for tonight, I'm hoping for two things -
  1. The Red Sox win.
  2. The Red Sox win in nine innings.
I'm not sure I can stay awake to watch nine innings but I definitely can't stay awake for eighteen.

So some nutcase opened fire in synagog this afternoon.

I gotta tell you, we really need to reopen the insane asylums and start locking people up who are obviously criminally insane. This guys social media accounts were loaded with threats and violence against pretty much everybody.

He hated the Jews, the Muslims, the Republicans, the Democrats, it didn't matter, he hated everyone.

How come no one made his ramblings known to the police? If they did, how come the police didn't take this guys guns away from him?


Because they aren't allowed to, that's why.

They need to be given the authority to take control of people like this and let the courts decide if they are a danger to others.

I'm going watch some bad TV until the game comes on. Then I'm probably going to fall asleep.

You can click on these if you want:

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