Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Red Sox are up 2-0 in the series.

As I had hoped, the Red Sox defeated the Dodgers and now have 2-0 lead.

Today is a travel day for the teams as they make their way out to sunny California where they are scheduled to play games 3, 4 and 5 of the series. I'm hoping they only need to play games 3 and 4 to finish off the Dodgers and win the World Series.

It would be nice to have them come home from LaLa Land this Sunday with that trophy in their luggage.

We have heat and hot water.

The old gas-sucking, water-spewing monstrosity of a boiler is gone:

And the shiny new high-efficiency, gas-sipping boiler is quietly purring away in our basement:

We're happy.

When the old boiler fired up, it sounded like a small aircraft was prepping for takeoff in our basement. Now, when the new boiler fires up, the only way we know it's running is if we happen to see the small amount of steam/exhaust coming out of the port on the back of our house.

And I'm really hoping our monthly gas bills make us even happier.

Someone has gone through a lot of trouble to send several "explosive" devices to some pretty high-level Democrats over the last few days.

I put the word explosive in quotes because none of them has actually exploded and the FBI keeps calling them "suspicious devices", not explosives.

The more that I learn about these things, the more it's beginning to look like they aren't explosives at all but are made to look like they would explode and are designed to scare the crap out of the recipients.

They are beginning to focus the hunt for the sender in Florida. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you are fully aware that I will not be shocked in the least if the sender turns out to be a resident of the great and whacky state of Florida.

On the other hand, there is a certain train of thought that says perhaps this is all a clever set up. Perhaps someone is trying to make the Republicans look like evil perpetrators and the Democrats look like sympathetic victims.

Personally, I think it's a whacko. There are more whackos in this world than there are intelligent people capable of pulling off a conspiracy of any magnitude.

While I enjoy the quiet of my new heating system, you can enjoy these:

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