Saturday, November 24, 2018

And then there were none

We got up at 4:00 this morning and took my daughter & her little dog to the airport so they could board a plane for Iowa.

Their flights were uneventful and they arrived safe & sound in Des Moines this afternoon where she is once again settled in to her school life.

For three weeks.

That is when they will once again board a plane and return here for a couple of weeks worth of Christmas break.

As for us, I managed to get all the leaves off the parts of my yard that are currently snow free while my wife managed to cut down all the dead plants in her gardens. That means that next spring we won't have to kill ourselves getting all the crap off the yard before the growing season starts.

Trust me, it is easier to clean the gardens and yard when the ground is frozen than it is during the mud season known as spring.

Time for me to catch up on my sleep. Hopefully my daughter is doing the same.

While I do that, you can do these:

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