Friday, November 23, 2018

I have food bloat.

I ate way too much turkey yesterday and I'm paying for it today. But don't worry, I'm fine.

In an attempt to offset the turkey feast from yesterday, we decided to have a lasagna feast today.

I loosened my belt a notch and I still feel like I'm gonna pop. I figure as long as I don't bend over or try to lift anything heavy, I should be okay.

Time for a quick recap:

On Wednesday evening, we met up with all of our kids at a nice place in Leominster called Rye & Thyme. We had a great meal and spent a few hours listening to the youngest and his band play music. When the night was over, our oldest and his wife headed back to Framingham and the rest of us headed back here to get some sleep.

On Thursday, my eldest and his wife spent Thanksgiving with her family while my youngest and his girlfriend spent the day with us.

This afternoon, our youngest and his girlfriend headed back to the great white north (New Hampshire) where they will spend the next day or two with her family celebrating Thanksgiving all over again.

As for us, we are going to spend the evening digesting.

Speaking of my youngest, he is very proud of the fact that he was one of the many who managed make a purchase at the new recreational pot store in Northampton on opening day.  Apparently you can place an order on-line and then just walk in and pick it up.

He even went so far as to bring us a catalog from the store.

Trust me, it's not a little pamphlet. This is a full-blown catalog that rivals the Montgomery-Ward catalogs of old.

There is a smaller insert pamphlet called "Start Here" that gives some guidance on partaking of the weed. They even have a helpful table for beginners:

Kids these days got it easy. Back in my day, we had to meet up with some sketchy character wearing an old, beat-up BDU coat & a wool cap in the parking lot behind football field and buy whatever he claimed was "a dime of some really good stuff, man."

While I contemplate the major changes in our society, you can click on these links:

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