Sunday, November 11, 2018

Early game

The Patriots were on at 1:00 today so I didn't have to stay awake until 10:00 just to watch the first half.

Unfortunately, the Titans kicked the Patriots ass so maybe they shouldn't play anymore afternoon games. Also, two of my brother-in-laws and one of my brothers went to the game down in Tennessee. Maybe they should do that anymore.

To be honest with you, they lost because Tom Brady had trouble moving the ball down the field. Most of his passes are low and his offensive line was kind of leaky. It seemed like Brady was always throwing the ball under pressure to an empty spot on the field.

On the other side of the line, the Titans quarterback, Marcus Mariota, was pretty damned accurate and his offensive line gave him the time in the pocket he needed to get the ball to an open man.

And that, my friends, is how the Patriots lose football games. They didn't lose because they played in the afternoon. They didn't lose because my brother and brother-in-laws were there. They lost because the Titans played better than the Patriots did.

Well, errands have been run, lawn work is complete, football has been watched and dinner has been consumed. Time to find some bad television to watch. Maybe I've got some Wipe Out's on the DVR. There's something entertaining about watching people trying to kill themselves by bending their back in directions the spine does not normal bend.

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