Sunday, November 18, 2018

The little angel has not changed one bit

The small emergency backup dog has not changed one bit.

I fed them this morning and as soon as she finished her breakfast, she ran over to me and started bitching me out because she wanted a dog cookie and dammit, I just wasn't moving fast enough.

I don't speak dog but I do know that when she dances around me going "Harrarrarr!", I'm being told off.

I should also point out that my daughter managed to fly first class from Des Moines to Philadelphia because of her little dog.

After my daughter had checked in at the gate, she sat down with her angel. All of a sudden, the gate agent came over, handed her a new ticket and said, "Hi, I upgraded you to first class. Can I pet your pup?"

She is a cute little shit and she charms the crap out of every one she meets.

We spent the day doing pre-Thanksgiving stuff like shopping and eating at iHop.

Hey, what can I say, we like iHop.

You do your pre-Thanksgiving stuff and we'll do ours.

Here are some links for you:

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