Thursday, December 6, 2018

I am never going to be able to retire.

The damned market plummeted 800 points yesterday and another 80 points today. Since Monday morning, it's done almost 1,100 points. That's almost 4% of its value.

I don't know about you but my portfolio didn't need a 4% drop.

And unless Donald "I'm Tariff Man!" Trump doesn't put down the tweeter machine and shut the hell up, I think we can expect it to continue dropping.

At some point I expect him to say something like, "This is the bestest and bigliest stock market ever!"

The Red Sox and Nathan Evoldi have agreed on a contract today and, pending a physical, Evoldi will be a member of the Red Sox for the next four years.

This, in my humble opinion, is a good thing. The guy is a work horse who can deliver quality pitches over a lot of innings. Having him on the pitching at the end of last season is one reason the Red Sox won the World Series.

Also, he's a good guy who seems to fit on the Red Sox.

I've about run out of things to say. I think I'll make some dinner and fall asleep early.

You can deal with these links if you want:

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