Sunday, December 9, 2018

Last night was our neighborhood party

Every year, two of our neighbors throw a big bash just to get everyone together and laugh. We always go for two reasons: 1) it's a good time and 2) the shitty neighbors never show up.

There are three couples that always show up who don't really live in our neighborhood but everyone knows them. They all used to teach at the high school and I had the pleasure of being taught by them right at the very beginning of their career. That meant that for the most part, they were all three or four years older than me and we all got along pretty well at the time.

I was like the funny little brother who did things that got most kids in trouble but they kind of looked out for me.

Well, the Patriots managed to lose the Dolphins today and that means I am now $5.00 poorer

A guy I know is not only a Dolphins fan, he is also a rabid Patriots hater. When I saw him last week, he started up trash talking about how the Patriots suck and how Belichick is a known cheater and the Dolphins are gonna kick their ass.

I said, "Put your money where your mouth is. I'll bet you five bucks the Patriots win..." He asked about points and I told him if he wants points he should go to Vegas. I told him this is a binary bet - Win or Lose. Period.

He took the bet and now I owe him $5.00

I hate giving money to trash talkers. Particularly big-mouth trash-talkers. It just encourages them.

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