Sunday, December 30, 2018

She is in pain but fully functional

The Small Emergency Backup Dog seems to be consuming and pooping but she is in a lot of pain. It hurts her to walk and God forbid you should touch her back legs.

My prediction is she is on the mend but it's going to take longer than a day or two before she is back to her normal happy self.

As for The Large Main Dog, he is very concerned about her.

For instance, whenever my daughter tries to give her some food, The LMD sticks his face in the bowl and makes sure the food is okay by eating it. Whenever The SMEBD tries to enter the house after being outside, The LMD immediately forces his way past her and goes through the door first to make sure there are no assassins or vacuum cleaners on the other side.

He's good that way.


The Patriots managed to soundly defeat the Jets today and secure a first round bye in the upcoming playoffs. This is good because they can use all the rest they can get.

They are old and need their rest.


Here are a few links:

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