Friday, December 7, 2018

Michael Cohen is going to jail

Looks like Michael "I would take a bullet for Trump" Cohen is singing like a canary and not gaining any sympathy from the courts. They are recommending stiff federal sentences that will leave him behind bars for more than three years.

Apparently he is guilty of tax evasion and lying under oath to Congress.

I suspect he also had a lot to say about Trump when he was spending time with Mueller. He strikes me as a guy who would say anything to save his ass.

I'm pretty sure it's Honda that decided to make a television commercial with an old Steve Austin Action Figure (doll). The doll jumps around on cars and uses some catch-phrases from the show.

I can't help but wonder if maybe 80% of the viewing public has no idea who Steve Austin is or what he is doing jumping around.

Seems like a dumb commercial to me.

The dow closed down another 588 points. This means it's down almost 1,500 points since Monday.

This is not good.

That's a loss of almost 6%.

Here are some links:

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