Saturday, December 1, 2018

The gutters are clean...

...and I am still alive.

I gotta say, those things were loaded with pine needles and leaves so I'm really glad I got them cleared. The leaf blower does a great job and it's way easier than doing it by hand.

Once the gutters were empty, I did the lawn and then finished putting up the lights.

We are, in my opinion, ready for the holidays but I suspect my wife may have other ideas.

President George Herbert Walker Bush passed away last night at the age of 94.

Not bad for a guy who was shot down while flying fighter planes in WWII and then dealt with the stress of one of the most stressful jobs in the world (Director of the CIA). Then, if that wasn't bad enough, he topped it all off by taking on an even more stressful role as President of the United States.

I liked him and I voted for him twice because I thought he was a decent man.

I also kind of like Dana Carvey's imitation of him.

While I deal with my sore back and legs, you can deal with these links:

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