Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Man, I'm tired.

I need to get more sleep....

For the last several days, we have had a kitten in our house. My youngest got himself a kitten a few weeks ago and so he brought it with him when he came to stay.

The dogs initially seemed to care less about the kitten. It ran around and they stared at it, maybe tried to sniff it a bit but for the most part, they didn't want a lot to do with it.

Then my son and his girlfriend went to her family to celebrate Christmas. Turns out one of her relatives is pretty allergic to cats so they opted to leave the kitten with us for a day or two.

During that brief time, the Small Emergency Backup Dog started to pay a lot more attention to the kitten. So much so that we're pretty sure she developed a mother complex. She seemed to become protective of the kitten and wanted to be right next to her at all times. She also took to giving the kitten baths by licking her from head to tail.

Well, now the kitten is gone back to her home and the Small Emergency Backup Dog is moping around like she lost a child.

Tomorrow is my BiAnnual (biennial?) Flight Review so I'm hoping the weather holds. The last thing my CFI needs is to fly around with me in shitty weather. We both prefer nice smooth air and no clouds.

The flight review is the FAAs way of affirming that I am a safe and competent pilot. It's their way of assuring my passengers that I am not a reckless or crazy individual.

So far, aviation weather says we should have a 6 knot wind out of the NNW and scattered clouds at 5,000 feet. That sounds like good flying weather to me.

Enjoy these links:

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