Friday, December 28, 2018

The Small Emergency Backup Dog...

...has a small emergency backup.

For the last few days, the pup has been whiney and sensitive to touch. She has refused to eat and she was laying around a lot. Her boss, the soon-to-be-vet, took her into the clinic an d they did an x-ray.

Turns out she ate something that wasn't food and now she is dealing with a minor backup.

They are trying to force the issue by feeding her whatever she wants to eat as long as it's high in fiber. The hope is the backup will dislodge and things will once again flow normally.

The alternative is surgery and, to be honest with you, we are trying hard to avoid that.

Hopefully the baby food, pasta, blueberry's and dog food will break the logjam and move whatever it is she decided to eat. My daughter is leaning towards a rock, my wife is thinking Christmas decoration and I'm thinking big wad of wrapping paper.


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