Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Long day

I spent 8 hours of my life sitting through a virtual conference on the future threats and trends in risk management & information security.

Don't misunderstand me. I enjoy my job and I find the work fascinating but that right there is eight hours of my life that I am never going to get back.

So I went to a wake for an old friend yesterday afternoon (it was not unexpected) and met up with a bunch of living old friends (also not unexpected). We all decided to head out for some beverages and I didn't get home until after 7:00

Suffice to say I was not in any mood to entertain people with drivel and links.

Also, I was informed yesterday that one of my cousins, Mike, passed away in the late morning. He had been diagnosed with a cancer about 3 or 4 years ago and I thought it was in remission but I guess the cancer had other plans.

He was in his 70s and he lived a great life as a farmer in western Pennsylvania. It would have been nice if he got another 20 years with us but we will speak fondly of him at family gatherings.

I'm pleased to report that John has survived some recent surgery. He is now home, taking numerous naps and watching bad television.

You can click on these links if you want:

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