Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Braves are the World Series champs

The Braves beat up on th Astros lsat night and made me a happy guy.

I'd be happier if the Red Sox were the World Series champs but I'll settle for anyone other than the Astros.

And yes, I'd even take the Yankees over the Astros.

For the record, pitchers & catchers report in just about 103 days.

I'd like to go on a rant about the current administration but too be honest with you, I've kinda stopped paying attention to them. They seem to be working hard to piss me off and paying attention to them causes me stress.

Goofy Joe and his ilk are working hard to implement sweeping "social change" (aka - increased taxes for unnecessary services) in this country and because of that, we are seeing a resurgence of republicans being elected.

I have a feeling that come 2024, I am once again be in a position where I don't like anyone running for president. Particularly if it's a toss up between Trump and Biden.

I'll probably have to write myself in...


I'm going to fall asleep soon.

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