Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Everything is expensive

We went grocery shopping this morning and man, is it expensive.

I realize that we are in an inflationary period but this is ridiculous. I remember infaltion from the mid 70s (Anyone else remember Jimmy Carter?) and the late 80s/early 90s but those were nothing like this one. During those inflationary periods, rices increased slowly over a year or two. This time it seems like the prices go up every week.

I've never seen this kind of inlfation in the United States. I've seen it in third-world countries were some dictator in a funny hat is controlling the cost of everything but not in the US. In the US, the Federal Reserve has always worked hard to keep deflation/inflation in check by controlling interest rates.

Everyone is blaming covid but I'm thinking that Trump pushing the Fed to keep rates low may be the cause of our current problem.

Then again, what the hell do I know about economics and politics.

Time for an update on baseball:
    There is no update on baseball because the owners and players are both being jerks

    What I can tell you is that assuming the owners and players grow up & stop acting like children and assuming that covid doesn't cause another shutdown, we should be treated to a Red Sox / Braves spring training game in 67 days
Yes, I realize there was a lot of assuming in that previous paragraph.

Speaking of covid, I'm sick of speaking about it.

I'm going to watch a little Tuesday Night Football this evening.

While I do that, you can do whatever you want.

If what you want involves links, well look no further...

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